Quantum Information Science (QIS)

The large impact of information technology on our society is fueled by the rapid increase in computing power, described by Moore's law: processor power doubles every 18 months. This is accompanied by a reduction in the size of the processors, and when the actual processors based on classical treatment of information will reach the quantum limit, the uncertainty principle of quantum mechanics will come into play. Quantum information science (QIS) is investigating the treatment of information based on fundamental quantum principle, such as interference and entanglement

alternate text Advances in QIS indicate that quantum computing devices can perform certain tasks considerably more efficiently than any classical computers, by using quantum states superpositions to create quantum bits, or qubits. Quantum cryptography protocols have been successfully implemented, and quantum algorithms offering potentially enormous speed-up are being developed, e.g., for factoring (Shor) or database search (Grover) algorithms. Adapting known classical algorithms to their quantum counterparts, such as classical to quantum random walks (QRW) is being pursued. Recently, QRW have been featured in algorithms with provable exponential speedups.

To exploit these possibilities, it is essential to address coherently quantum states in a system and to perform reversible quantum logic operations; preserving coherence is crucial since quantum interference and entanglement are extremely fragile. Many platforms are investigated in quantum information: cold trapped ions, neutral atoms or polar molecules in optical lattices (see figure beside), atoms in crystals, spin of particles, photons in cavity QED or nonlinear optical setups, or mesoscopic ensembles.

In our group, we study a variety of atomic and molecular platforms: ultracold Rydberg atoms, polar molecules, hybrid atom-molecule or atom-ion systems. All of them exhibit conditional interactions that can be used to implement quantum gates. We use Rydberg atoms to illustrate the basic ideas. Rydberg atoms posses extreme properties which scale rapidly with principal quantum number n. In particular, their dipole moment and polarizability scale as n2 and n7, respectively. Together with the small spacing between Rydberg levels (scaling as n-3), these lead to large interactions between Rydberg atoms, scaling as n4/R3 and n11/R6 for dipole-dipole and van der Waals types, respectively. So, if we consider two atoms separated by a distance R (see Fig (a) below), each one can be in its ground state |g⟩ or an excited Rydberg state |e⟩, the pair of atoms interact strongly only if both are in |e⟩, leading to a conditional interaction.

alternate text We proposed to use such conditional excitation to implement a phase gate using atoms initially in a superposition of "ground" states (labeled |0⟩ and |1⟩) and laser pulses to selectively excite a specific state (say |1⟩) into the Rydberg state |e⟩. In alkali atoms, such as 87Rb, one could use two different hyperfine states such as |f,m⟩=|1,-1⟩ and |2,2⟩ for |0⟩ and |1⟩, respectively, and |np⟩ for the Rydberg state. Assuming that atoms A and B are both prepared in a superposition state like |0⟩ + |1⟩, the initial state of the 2-atom system is

|Q0 |00⟩ +|01⟩ + |10⟩ + |11⟩

where |ij⟩ ≡ |i⟩A |j⟩B stands for the atom A in state i and atom B in state j, respectively.

At time t=0, the state |1⟩ of each atom is excited to the Rydberg state |e⟩ (see Fig.(b)) leading to the initial state

|Qinit |00⟩ +|0e⟩ + |e0⟩ + |ee⟩ .

Because only |ee⟩ experiences a strong interaction V (e.g., n 4/ R3 for dipole-dipole or n11 /R 6 van der Waals interactions), it will acquire a phase φ(t)=V t/, so that

|Q(t) ⟩ |00⟩ +|0e⟩ + |e0⟩ + e |ee⟩.

After a time t=τ such that φ=π, the Rydberg state |e⟩ of each atom is stimulated back into |1⟩ (see Fig.(b)), leading to the final state

|Qfinal |00⟩ +|01⟩ + |10⟩ - |11⟩ .

alternate text This final state is an example of an entangled state, i.e. a state that cannot be written as a product state of atom A and atom B: the states of both atoms are intertwined. The sequence of pulses described above leads to a universal two-qubit quantum gate, namely the phase gate, where the sign of |mn⟩ is changed only if both m=n=1. It can be summarized as

|mn⟩ → eimnπ |mn⟩ with m, n = 0, 1.

We also put forward another pulse sequence leading to a phase gate based on the blockade mechanism, originally proposed for Rydberg atoms. It assumes that atoms are far enough from each other to be separately addressed by lasers, while retaining a strong enough interaction between Rydberg atoms to maintain the excitation blockade. As a result, because the doubly-excited state |ee⟩ is shifted out of resonance (see Fig. beside), it cannot be populated, again leading to a conditional excitation. By shining a π-pulse laser on site A at time t1, followed by a 2π-pulse on site B at t2 (which populates the state |e⟩B and brings it back to |1⟩B only if |e⟩A is not populated — otherwise nothing happens because of the excitation blockade), and finally applying a final π-pulse on site A at t3, we obtain the following

field/pulse initial state final state comment
EA / π |1⟩A |1⟩B i |e⟩A |1⟩B A makes a transition
|1⟩A |0⟩B i |e⟩A |0⟩B A makes a transition
EB / 2π |e⟩A |1⟩B |e⟩A |1⟩B blockaded: no transition
|0⟩A |1⟩B i2 |0⟩A |1⟩B B makes a transition up and down: π-phase shift
EA / π i |e⟩A |1⟩B i2 |1⟩A |1⟩B A makes a transition
i |e⟩A |0⟩B i2 |1⟩A |0⟩B A makes a transition

After the pulse sequence, only |0⟩A|0⟩B has not been modified: all others are multiplied by -1. The resulting state is again an entangled state, and this sequence also gives a phase gate: |mn⟩ → ei(δmn-mn)π |mn⟩ with m, n = 0, 1.

In addition to exploring similar concepts in other AMO platforms (e.g., polar molecules, hybrid atom-molecule or atom-ion systems), our group also investigate how the strong interactions between Rydberg atoms could be used to study and implement Quantum Random Walk (QRW).